Graduate Publications
Sam Robbins published an article with several co-authors entitled “Success Rates and Success Stories: Staging Anticipation on Fertility Clinic Websites in Taiwan, Japan, and the UK” in Social Science & Medicine.
Charlotte Abel published “Psychiatric Gaslighting: the surveillance of mental illness during pregnancy” in Social Problems, co-authored with Stefan Timmermans.
Qiaoyan Rosenberg published an opinion piece on Nikkei Asia newspaper. You can see it here.
Nihal Kayali published an article titled “Managing Uncertain Times in Turkey: Refugee Healthcare Research During a Global Pandemic” in The International Journal of Middle East Studies. The text is available here.
Neil Gong, a recent graduate, published a book based on his dissertation—Sons, Daughters, and Sidewalk Psychotics—by University of Chicago Press. He will have a book talk and signing event at Chevalier Books on Monday May 13 at 6pm. The information can be found here.
Mallory Rees (with Abigail Saguy) just published an article, entitled “Following a Child’s Lead and Setting Kids Up for Success: Convergence and Divergence in Parenting Ideologies on the Political Right and Left in Social Forces.
Wisam Alshaibi, a recent graduate and currently Assistant Professor at NYU-Abu Dhabi, just had his article, “The Anatomy of Regime Change: Transnational Political Opposition and Domestic Foreign Policy Elites in the Making of US Foreign Policy on Iraq,” accepted for publication in the American Journal of Sociology. The article is based on the research he conducted while at UCLA.
Catherine Cooke published a new article, entitled “Frustration and fidelity: how public interest lawyers navigate procedure in the direct representation of asylum seekers,” in Law & Society Review.
Andrew Chalfoun published an article entitled “Shifting responsibility onto coparticipants: Disafiliative accounts in request sequences” in Discourse Studies. The Article can be found here.
Kieth Cox recently published an article in Social Psychology Quarterly — “When Good News Falls Flat: Complications in the Delivery and Reception of Good News in Pediatric Neurology”. The article can be found here.
Andrew Chalfoun (with Giovanni Rossi and Tanya Stivers) published an article entitled “The Magic Word? Face-Work and the Functions of Please in Everyday Requests” in Social Psychology Quarterly. The article can be found here. There is also a second article entitled “To Err is Human but to Persist is Diabolical: Toward a Theory of Interactional Policing” in Frontiers in Sociology. This article can be found here.
Nathan Hoffmann just published an article, “Strangers in the Homeland? The Academic Performance of Children of Return Migrants in Mexico,” in Population Research and Policy Review. This article can be found here.
Zach Griffen, a recent graduate and a current postdoc fellow at NYU, published a piece, titled “How the Democrats Became the Party of Economics on the TIME magazine website found here.
Kaiting Zhou published an article, based on her MA thesis and titled “Dating in captivity: creativity, digital affordance, and the organization of interaction in online dating during quarantine,” in Theory and Society. This can be found here.
Gilad Wenig published a piece reflecting on his fieldwork experiences so far in States, Power, and Societies, the official newsletter of the ASA Political Sociology section. This can be found here.
Will Schupmann and Stefan Timmermans published a chapter for the Handbook on Sociology of Health and Medicine: “Sociology of the medical profession and para-professions”. This can be found here.
Neil Gong, a recent graduate and Assistant professor at UCSD, published an Op-Ed piece in LA Times on March 22, 2024.
Former UCLA undergraduate Sociology student Julieta Goldenberg and Professor Rogers Brubaker published “Emerging Pronoun Practices After the Procedural Turn: Disclosure, Discovery, and Repair,” in Sociological Science.
Former UCLA Sociology graduate student Pamela Prickett (now at the University of Amsterdam) and Professor Stefan Timmermans published their book The Unclaimed: Abandonment and Hope in the City of Angels with Penguin Random House. The book has already met quite a bit of critical acclaim, including a review in the New York Times referring to the book as “a work of grace.” They were also interviewed this weekend in a very thoughtful piece by Scott Simon on NPR’s Weekend Edition. The book has also received interviews and coverage from LA Weekly, KQED, the Mother Knows Death podcast, the Stacks podcast (upcoming), and UCLA Newsroom.
Pamela Prickett and Professor Stefan Timmermans’ new book (The Unclaimed) was the subject of two new prominent review essays, including one by distinguished writer Alex Kotlowitz in The Atlantic and another review in the New Republic which also reviews the new book from former PhD student Neil Gong (Sons, Daughters, and Sidewalk Psychotics: Mental Illness and Homelessness in Los Angeles).
Gilad Wenig (along with a number of coauthors) published two new reports for the RAND Corporation entitled “A Summary of Veteran-Related Statistics” and “What Americans think about Veterans and Military Service: Findings from a Nationally Representative Survey”. In addition, his article on former Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak, his memoir, and the 1973 war was published in the LRB blog.
Natasha Bluth published an article titled, “Reframing as recourse: How women approach and initiate the end of fertility treatment,” in Social Science & Medicine. The Article can be found here.
Rohan Advani co-authored a book chapter, titled “Marxism and Neo-Marxism” with Michael McCarthy in the Elgar Encyclopedia of Political Sociology. He also published a book review of Andrea Wright’s Between Dreams and Ghosts: Indian Migration and Middle Eastern Oil in the Arab Studies Journal.
Will Schupmann’s research on clinical ethics consultation was reported and discussed in Medical Ethics Advisor.
Catherine Crooke published an article, titled “US Asylum Lawyering and Temporal Violence,” in Law and Society Inquiry. It is available here.
Nathan Hoffmann published an article (with Kristopher Velasco), titled “Policy Effects on Mixed-Citizenship, Same-Sex Unions: A Triple-Difference Analysis” in Social Forces. You can read it here.
MJ Hill published an article (with collaboration with two neuroendocrinologists), titled “Deconstructing sex: Strategies for undoing binary thinking in neuroendocrinology and behavior” in Hormones and Behavior. The full text is available here.
Gilad Wenig’s article (with Neil Ketchley), titled “Purging to Transform the Post-Colonial State: Evidence from the 1952 Egyptian Revolution,” was accepted for publication at Comparative Political Studies.
Andrew Chalfoun’s published article, “Biblical Authority in Interaction: How do evangelicals use the Bible?” received the Society for the Scientific Study of Religion’s Student Paper Award. The article is available here.
Vivek Ramakrishnan is lead author of a study by the UCLA Labor Center entitled “California’s Future is Clocked In: The Experiences of Young Workers,” available here. Aya Konishi also participated and provided writing support. The report is featured in LAist (Southern California Public Radio).
Nicholas Tinoco (with Prof. Cecilia Menjivar) published an article, titled “The Long Arm of Arizona’s SB 1070: Antecedents and Far-Reaching Spillover Effects” in Oxford Bibliographies in Latino Studies (Ilan Stavans, Editor in Chief. New York: Oxford University Press).
Oscar Contreras Velasco published an article, titled “Unintended consequences of state action: How kingpin strategy transformed the structure of violence in Mexico’s organized crime.” In Trends in organized crime. The article can be found here.
Alina Arseniev-Koehler, a recent graduate and postdoc at UC-San Diego, just published an article, “The Stigma of Diseases: Unequal Burden, Uneven Decline,” in American Sociological Review with Rachel Khan Best. The article is available here.
Will Schupmann published an article in Social Science and Medicine: “We are not the ethics police”: The professionalization of clinical ethicists and the regulation of medical decision-making. The article can be found here.
Nick DiRago published an article with Min Zhou in Ethnic and Racial Studies: “The trajectory of the colour line in a US immigrant gateway: hyperdiverse spatialization in Los Angeles.” The article can be found here.
Aya Konishi and Vivek Ramakrishnan co-authored a Labor Center report on ridesharing in New York city and were quoted in Vice and Crains.The report can be found here.
Rohan Advani published a book review of Sara Salem’s Anticolonial Afterlives in Egypt: The Politics of Hegemony in the International Journal of Comparative Sociology. The review can be found here.
Andrew Chalfoun published an article, titled “Biblical Authority in Interaction: How Evangelicals Use the Bible” in Journal of Pragmatics. The article can be found here.
Joel Herrera published an article, titled “Rejecting the Social Contract: Criminal Governance, Agrarian Inequalities and the Autodefensa Movement in Michoacán, Mexico,” in the Journal of Latin American Studies. The article can be found here.
Nanum Joenpublished an article, titled “Swapping Gender Traditionalism: Christianity, Buddhism, and Gender Ideology in South Korea” in the Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion. This article is based on her M.A. thesis and can be found here.
Harleen Kaur, a recent graduate, and Victoria Tran, our current student, published their article titled “The limits of imperial incorporation: Alternative sociological frameworks to study Asian American subjects” in Sociology Compass. The article can be found here.
Zach Griffen published an article, “The Economization of Early Life: Human Capital Theory, Biology, and Social Policy,” in Science, Technology, & Human Values. The article can be found here.
Caroline Reilly published an article, entitled “Critical Mass and Critical Representation: Economic Transition, Workplace Cultures, and Women CEOs in China.” In Sociology of Development, with Junmin Wang. The article can be found here.
Alina Arseniev-Koehler published an article, Machine Learning as a Model for Cultural Learning: Teaching an Algorithm What it Means to be Fat, in Sociological Methods & Research, with Jacob G. Foster.
Jennifer Uribe wrote for a Tendon a literary and visual arts magazine that aims to create space for creative and critical work across. You may view it here .
Kristin Liao published a research article titled “Unequal effects of the COVID-19 epidemic on employment: Differences by immigrant status and race/ethnicity” in PLOS ONE with Andres Villarreal. The article can be found here.
Irene Del Mastro published an article, titled “Providing culturally competent and universal health care in the Peruvian Amazon: The Role of Medical Authority” in Social Science and Medicine. Here is the link.
Rebecca Kaufman published an article, titled “Genomic uncertainty and genetic counsellors’ professional authority” in Sociology of Health and Illness with Stefan Timmermans. The article can be found here.
Oscar Mayorga published an article, which examines the replicability of social science research, with Paul Martinez (our Alum) and an international team of scholars in PNAS. The full text can be found here.
Josefina Flores Morales co-authored a short piece in the online Generations magazine (titled: “Apprehension and the aging of undocumented parents”) with UCLA Sociology alum Laura E. Enriquez, which can be seen here.
She has also published an article (with coauthors) titled “”Network resources and educational outcomes among Mexican-origin youth” in Social Science Research. The full text can be found here.
She has more recently published a co-authored article in the Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. It is titled “Peer effects on the educational outcomes of immigrant youth: heterogeneity by generation and school context.” Link is here.
Sam Lutzker published an op-ed in the San Francisco Chronicle with Ananya Roy entitled, “How the brutal clearing of an L.A. homeless encampment can teach S.F. what not to do in the Tenderloin” (find the article here). This op-ed is based on their report with the Echo Park Lake research collective on last year’s displacement, which can be found here.
He has also published two-public facing artile for for Knock.LA on our region’s homelessness policies: one recently on Councilmember Mark Ridley-Thomas’ relationship with activists and previously on Project Room Key’s punitive policies. The full texts can be found here and here.
Caroline Reilly published an article with Junmin Wang and Kaniz Fatema in Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship. The title of the article is “Gender Bias, Institutional Predicaments and Innovativeness of Female CEOs in China” and the article can be seen here.
Alina Aseniev-Koehler published an article at PNAS with Susan Cochran, Vickie Mays, Kai-Wei Chang, and Jacob Foster. The full article can be found here.
Ariana Valle published an article, titled “’He begins by targeting Mexicans and he will end with Puerto Ricans’: unpacking Florida Puerto Ricans’ politics of immigration,” in Ethnic and Racial Studies journal. This article was derived from her dissertation and can be seen here.
Joel Herrera published a blog post, titled “Beyond Blood Avocados,” in the online magazine Political Violence at a Glance. You can find the post here.
He has also published two articles recently. They are: “The limits of resistance to criminal governance: Cyclical violence and the aftermath of the autodefensa movement in Michoacán, Mexico” in Global Crime and “Diversifying violence: Mining, export-agriculture, and criminal governance in Mexico” in World Development (w/Cesar Martinez-Alvarez). The full texts can be found here and here.
Nathan Hoffman published an article titled “A ‘win-win exercise’? The effect of westward migration on educational outcomes of Eastern European children” in the Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. You can read the article here.
Nick DiRago, Will Schupmann, and Yvonne Carrillo (along with Michael Gaddis and other authors from outside our department) published an article, titled “COVID-19 Vaccine Rollouts and the Reproduction of Urban Spatial Inequality: Disparities Within Large US Cities in March and April 2021 by Racial/Ethnic and Socioeconomic Composition,” in Journal of Urban Health.
Nada Ali Ramadan published a piece on the SSRC’s Immanent Frame. It can be seen here.
Irene Del Mastro published an article (based on her MA thesis) in Culture, Health and Sexuality. The title of the article is “Adapting to poverty and dealing with gender: a comparative perspective on teenage pregnancy in the Peruvian Amazon. The full text can be found here.
Acton Jiashi Feng published an article, entitled “Revisiting Horizontal Stratification in Higher Education: College Prestige Hierarchy and Educational Assortative Mating in China,” in Demography. The article can be found here.
Jessica Huerta published an article titled “If they call me, ‘sir’: American newspaper representations of military women” in Feminist Media Studies. The article can be read here.
Andrew Herman published an article, titled “Leading countries in global science increasingly receive more citations than other countries doing similar research,” (with Charles J. Gomez and Paolo Parigi) on Nature Human Behavior which can be found here.
Amber Villalobos co-authored this Opinion piece in the New York Times “The Government Gave Out Bad Loans. Students Deserve a Bailout.” This article can be found here.
Lucrecia Mena Meléndez published an article, “Rural-Urban Differences in Unintended Pregnancies, Contraceptive Nonuse, and Terminated Pregnancies in Latin America and the Caribbean” in Women’s Reproductive Health which can be found here.
Yotala Oskay * published an article, titled “Sharing Places: Local Socio-Economic Organization and Inequality in Contemporary Short-Term Rental Markets” in Social Currents that can be found here.
Tianjian Lai and Nathan Hoffman (with Roger Waldinger) recently published an article in the Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, entitled “When fear spreads: individual- and group-level predictors of deportation worry among Latino immigrants.” You can access the article here.
Mallory Rees published an article in Social Problems, titled “Selling the Ability to ‘Have It All’: How Direct Selling Organizations Exploit Intensive Mothering Ideologies.” It’s available here.
Kristella Montiegel published and article in Language in Society, titled “’Use your words’: Vocalization and moral order in an oral preschool classroom for deaf or hard-of-hearing children.” The full text can be found here.
Luis Manuel Olguin published “Análisis de la Conversación: Fundamentos, metodología y alcances,” a comprehensive introduction to Conversation Analysis and the first CA textbook written in Spanish, with Chase W. Raymond, a graduate from the department. The full text is available here.
Caitlin Ahearn just published an article, titled “Planning for College and Careers: How Families and Schools Shape the Alignment of Postsecondary Expectations,” in Sociology of Education. The article is available here.
Alina Arseniev-Koehler (with Jacob Foster, Vickie Mays, Kai-Wei Chang, Susan Cochran) published an article in the American Journal of Public Health, entitled “Aggression, Escalation, and Other Latent Themes in Legal Intervention Deaths of Non-Hispanic Black and White Men: Results From the 2003‒2017 National Violent Death Reporting System.” The full text is available here.
Ian Gray published a piece with Stephanie Barral in the European Economic Sociology Newsletter, entitled “A (rapid) climate audit of economic sociology.” The article is available here.
Josefina Flores Morales published an article, “”Beyond undocumented: Differences in the mental health of Latinx undocumented college students” in Latino Studies. The article is available here. In addition, her research was featured and quoted in the blog of the Center for Retirement Research at Boston College.
Daniel Zipp published an article, entitled “Chinatowns Lost? The Birth and Death of Urban Neighborhoods in an American City,” in City and Community. The article is available here.
Christina Chica published an article, entitled “Toward a sociology of global comparative placemaking,” in Sociology Compass. The article is available here.
Ian Gray published two new articles. The first, “The treadmill of protection: How public finance constrains climate adaptation,” was published in The Anthropocene Review and is available here. The second, “Hazardous simulations: Pricing climate risk in US coastal insurance markets,” was published in Economy & Society and is available here.
Irene Del Mastro Naccarato published the paper “Home birth preference, childbirth, and newborn care practices in rural Peruvian Amazon” with a team of coauthors in PLOS One. The article is available here.
Sam Lutzker published an op-ed “Op-Ed: Cancel parking fines for unhoused people who live in their cars” in the Los Angeles Times. This article is available here.
Mirian Martinez-Aranda published an article, “Collective Liminality: The Spillover Effects of Indeterminate Detention on Immigrant Families,” in the Law & Society Review. The article is available here.
Josefina Flores Morales published the paper “An Exploration of the Relationship Between Diabetes and Depression Among Immigrants in the United States” in the Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health.
Lucrecia Mena Melendez published a new article, “Ethnoracial child health inequalities in Latin America: Multilevel evidence from Bolivia, Colombia, Guatemala, and Peru” in Social Science & Medicine – Population Health. The article is available here.
Anthony James Williams published a review of the book “Security and Risk Technologies in Criminal Justice”, in Symbolic Interaction. The review is entitled: “The Need for Interdisciplinary Approaches to Criminal (in)Justice.” It’s available here.
Chiara Galli (postdoc at Cornell) published an op-ed, “Joe Biden can save the soul of our nation with these asylum reforms,” in The Hill. The article is available here.
Josefina Flores Morales published an article, “Aging and undocumented: The sociology of aging meets immigration status” in Sociology Compass. The article is available here.
Andrew N. Le published an article in the Jornal of Ethnicities, “Upward or downward? The importance of organizational forms and embedded peer groups for the second generation.”
Nihal Kayali published a paper, “Syrian Refugees Navigate Turkey’s Shifting Health Care Terrain,” in MERIP. The article is available here.
Antwann Michael Simpkins published “Here to Stay in the Bay!”: The Politics of Vestibularity, Black Trans Women of Jamaica, Gendered Duress, and the Work of Recognition in Gender, Health, and Society in Latin American and the Caribbean.
Harleen Kaur published a paper, “Sikhs as Implicated Subjects in the United States: A Reflective Essay on Gurmat-Based Interventions in the Movement for Black Lives” in Sikh Research Journal. The article is available here.
Kristella Montiegel published “Modulating action through minimization: Syntax in the service of offering and requesting” in Language in Society. The article is available here.
Tianjian Lai has a forthcoming article in International Migration Review, “Legal Exclusion, Civic Exclusion: How Legal Status Stratifies Latino Immigrants’ Civic Engagement.”
Antwann Michael Simpkins published “Apparitions in the Theory: How the Sciences Cause Race and Gender to Matter in the Twenty-first Century” in The University of California, Irvine Law Review.
Pei Palmgren published “Onward pushes and negotiated refuge: theorizing the fluid national and urban regimes of forced migration in Southeast Asia.” in Displacement: Global Conversations on Refuge.
Bowei Hu published the article “Subcontractors’ Dilemma: the Expansion of Taiwanese Firms 2002–2015” in the International Journal of Taiwan Studies (with Thung-hong Lin). The article is available here, with an ungated version here.
Zeke Chen publishing a new paper, “How the choice of reference group matters: economic integration of rural-to-urban migrants in China,” which appears in the Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. The paper is available for download here.
Amanda McArthur published a new paper, “Pain and the collision of expertise in primary care physical exams,” in Discourse Studies. The paper is available here
Christina Chica published “Queer Integrative Marginalization: LGBTQ Student Integration Strategies at an Elite University,” in Socius. The paper is available for download here.
Ariana Valle published an article, “Second-generation Central Americans and the Formation of an Ethnoracial Identity in Los Angeles,” in the journal Identities: Global Studies in Culture and Power. The article is available here.
Chiara Galli has published a new paper in Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, entitled “Humanitarian Capital: How Lawyers Help Immigrants Use Suffering to Claim Membership in the Nation-State.” The piece is available here.
Wisam Alshaibi has published a new paper (forthcoming), “Personal Trials and Social Fears: Examining Reflexivity in Captivity Narratives,” with Leslie Irvine (CU Boulder) in the journal NANO.
Ariana Valle‘s new article based on her dissertation research, “Race and the Empire-state: Puerto Ricans’ Unequal U.S. Citizenship,” appears in the current issue of Sociology of Race and Ethnicity. The article is available here. A report she authored based on a second research project, “¡Puerto Rico Se Levanta!: Hurricane María and Narratives of Struggle, Resilience, and Migration,” was published by the Natural Hazards Center (University of Colorado-Boulder). This report is also featured in the U.S. National Library of Medicine Disaster Lit database. The report is available here
Ian Gray published a commentary in the Washington Post (Monkey Cage) on the PG&E bankruptcy and what it means for firms and markets in light of climate change. The piece is available here.
Josefina Flores Morales published “Aging Knows No Borders” in Public Health Post, available here.
Ian Peacock, published a report with the American Immigration Council (with Emily Ryo from USC) on “The Landscape of Immigration Detention in the United States.” The report has received a wave of media coverage in NBC News, Houston Public Media, Quartz, and Augusta Free Press.
Nathan Hoffman published a new paper in the British Education Research Journal entitled “Cognitive achievement of children of immigrants: Evidence from the Millennium Cohort Study and the 1970 British Cohort Study. It is available here.
Sung Park, Professor Judy Seltzer, and former UCLA doctoral student Jenjira Yahirun’s paper, “Step-grandparenthood in the United States” was published in the Journal of Gerontology and referenced in the New York Times article, “A Cornucopia of Grandparents”.
Anthony James Williams published a brief with the Scholars Strategy Network entitled “Why Black Women Organizers Need To Care For Themselves And Each Other — And How They Can Do It.” It is available here.
Caitlin Ahearn recently published her book, Bridging the Gaps: College Pathways to Career Success, coauthored with James E. Rosenbaum and Janet E. Rosenbaum, which is featured in the new books section of the Russel Sage Foundation Fall 2018 catalog. For more information about the book, click here.
Becca DiBennardo recently published two papers. These include “How Children of LGBQ Parents Negotiate Courtesy Stigma over the Life Course” (published in the International Journal of Women’s Studies, coauthored with Professor Abigail Saguy) and “Ideal Victims and Monstrous Offenders: How the News Media Represent Sexual Predators” (published in Socius).
Casandra Salgado published her article “Mexican American Identity: Regional Differentiation in New Mexico” in Sociology of Race and Ethnicity. The article is available for download here.
Andrew Le published his article “Upward or downward? The importance of organizational forms and embedded peer groups for the second generation” in the journal Ethnicities. It is available here.
Chiara Galli published a research brief and policy report on “Protecting Children? Assessing the Treatment of Unaccompanied Minors in the U.S” under the California Immigration Research Initiative Research Brief Series #6 as well as “No Country for Immigrant Children: From Obama’s “Humanitarian Crisis” to Trump’s Criminalization of Central American Unaccompanied Minors” in the Latino Public Policy 2 report.
Chiara Galli has a paper that has been published in the journal Ethnic and Racial Studies Review. The title is “A Rite of Reverse Passage: The Construction of Youth Migration in the US Asylum Process.”
Amanda McArthur won the ASA Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis section’s Graduate Studcent Paper Award for her paper “Getting Pain on the Table in Primary Care Physical Exams” at the ASA conference this year.
Deisy Del Real received the ASA Sociology of Law Graduate Student Paper Award and an Honorable Mention for the ASA International Migration section’s Aristide Zolberg Scholar Award for her paper “Toxic Ties: The Reproduction of Legal Violence within Mixed-Status Familian and Friendship Ties” which was published in the International Migration Review.
David Schieber has just published a new paper in the ASA journal Socius. The paper, “My Body of Work: Promotional Labor and the Bundling of Complementary Work,” is available here.
Molly Fee has just published a paper in the journal Migration Studies and also for a post to the Forced Migration forum. The Migration Studies paper is entitled “Paper integration: The structural constraints and consequences of the US refugee resettlement program” and the Forced Migration Forum is here.
Zhenxiang (Zeke) Chen has a paper co-authored with Professor Lauren Duquette-Rury that has been published in the International Migration Review. The title is “Does International Migration Affect Political Participation? Evidence from Multiple Data Sources across Mexican Municipalities, 1990–2013.”
Rocio Garcia recently published an article in Sociology Compass titled “The Politics of Erased Migrations: Expanding a Relational, Intersectional Sociology of Latinx Gender and Migration.” For the full piece visit: here
Ariana Valle solo-authored an article titled “Race and the Empire-state: Puerto Ricans’ Unequal U.S. Citizenship” published in Sociology of Race and Ethnicity. For the full piece visit: here
Deisy Del Real was recently published by the International Migration Review with a piece titled “Toxic Ties: The Reproduction of Legal Violence within Mixed-Status Intimate Partners, Relatives, and Friends.” For the full piece, see: here
Gary Yeritsian published an article titled “Freedom Above Things: Nietzsche and the Artistic Critique of Capitalism” in Critical Sociology. He also has a forthcoming article in the Journal of Consumer Culture titled, “Participation From Above and From Below: Brand Community and the Contestation of Cultural Participation.”
Phi Su received the SSSP Global Division/Critical Sociology Award for her paper, “Making Cold War Migrants: Vietnamese in Divided Germany.”
Andrew Le published his first piece titled “Episodic ethnicity: a case study of a Japanese Buddhist temple” in the Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. For the full piece, see: here
Dr. Eli Wilson published an article in Racial and Ethnic Studies entitled, “Stuck Behind Kitchen Doors? Assessing the Work Prospects of Second-Generation Latino Workers in a Los Angeles Restaurant.” The article was also awarded the 2016 Best Student Paper in the Labor Studies division of SSSP.
Dr. Eli Wilson has a forthcoming article in RSF: Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences, entitled, “Bridging the Service Divide: Dual Labor Niches and Embedded Opportunities in Restaurant Work.”
Dr. Susila Gurusami’s Gender & Society article, “Working for Redemption: Formerly Incarcerated Black Women and Punishment in the Labor Market” is now published online at . The article was also awarded the 2017 Blackwell Graduate Student Paper Award from ASA-SREM.
Irene Vega and former student Amada Armenta published their paper “Latinos and the Crimmigration System” in Race, Ethnicity and Law.
David Schieber was author of the article, “Money, Morals, and Condom Use: The Politics of Health in Gay and Straight Adult Film Production” in the latest issue of Social Problems.
Irene Vega co-authored an article with Professor Vilma Ortiz entitled, “Mexican Americans and Immigration Attitudes: A Cohort Analysis of Assimilation and Group Consciousness” in the latest issue of Social Problems.
Nicole Iturriaga coauthored an article with Professor Abigail Saguy entitled, “‘I Would Never Want to be an Only Wife’: The Role of Discursive Networks and Post-Feminist Discourse in Reframing Polygamy” that was just published in Social Problems.
Gary Yeritsian has a forthcoming article in Critical Sociology: ‘Capitalism 2.0’: Web 2.0 Manifestoes and the New Spirit of Capitalism.
Dr. Eli Wilson published an article in Research in the Sociology of Work entitled, “Matching Up: Producing Proximal Service in a Los Angeles Restaurant.”
Peter Catron‘s paper, Made in America? Immigrant Occupational Mobility in the First Half of the Twentieth Century, is the lead article in the current issue of AJS!
Michael Siciliano’s paper “Control from On High: Cloud Computing, Skill, and Acute Frustration among Analytics Workers in the Digital Publishing Industry” will be appearing in an upcoming volume of Research in the Sociology of Work. Michael was also featured in Organization Studies with his paper “Disappearing into the Object: Aesthetic and Organizational COntrol in Routine Cultural Work.”
Tahseen Shams‘ paper “Mirrored boundaries: how ongoing homeland-hostland contexts shape Bangladeshi immigrant collective identity formation” has been accepted for publication in Ethnic and Racial Studies.
Eleni Skaperdas has won a prestigious NSF Graduate Research Fellowship for her ethnographic project entitled “Reproductive Dystopia? Stratified Prenatal Choice in the Two Americas.
Amy Zhou was selected for the Elizabeth Blackwell, MD award by the UCLA Center for the Study of Women for her paper The uncertainty of treatment: Women’s use of HIV treatment as prevention in Malawi.
Pamela Prickett has won the 2015 Community and Urban Sociology Section (CUSS) Graduate Student Paper Award for her article “Contextualizing from Within: Perceptions of Physical Disorder in a South Central L.A. African American Mosque.”
Rahim Kurwa‘s paper, “Deconcentration without Integration: Examining the Social Outcomes of Housing Choice Voucher Movement in Los Angeles County,” has won the 2015 Student Paper Competition in the Society for the Study of Social Problems’ Poverty, Class and Inequality Division.
Hasan Mahmud has a paper entitled “Impact of the destination state on migrants’ remittances: a study of remitting practices among Bangladeshi migrants in the USA, the UAE and Japan” that has been published in Migration and Development.
Joshua Bloom has published his paper “The Dynamics of Opportunity and Insurgent Practice: How Black Anti-colonialists Compelled Truman to Advocate Civil Rights” in American Sociological Review, Volume 80, no. 2.
Matthew Baltz has published his paper “Protecting citizens in hard times: citizenship and repatriation pressures in the United States and France during the 1930s” in Theory and Society
Xi Song’s article “Ancestry Matters: Patrilineage Growth and Extinction” written with Cameron Campbell, and James Z. Lee will be published in the forthcoming in American Sociological Review, Volume 80, Issue 3.
Casandra Salgado has published “Racial Lessons: Parental Narratives and Secondary Schooling Experiences among Second- and Third-Generation Mexican Americans” in the Race and Social Problems journal, Volume 7, Issue 1.
Ariana Valle co-authored “Salvadoran-Americans” with alumni Dr. Leisy Abrego which has been published in Oxford Bibliographies.
Pamel Prickett, “Negotiating Gendered Religious Space: The Particularities of Patriarchy in an African American Mosque” (
Pamela Prickett, “Contextualizing From WIthin: Perceptions of Physical Disorder in a South Central L.A. African American Mosque” (
Michael Stambolis-Ruhstorfer co-edited a special forum for the Council for European Studies review, CritCom ( , entitled “Over the European Rainbow: Sexual and Gender Minorities in Europe.” These short pieces, written by academics and other experts, address the contrasts and paradoxes that characterize the situation for LGBT individuals across Europe today as advances in legal recognition have spread unevenly across the continent and are met with strong backlash and resistance even in western countries.
Laura Enriquez, “ ‘Undocumented and Citizen Students Unite’: Building a Cross-Status Coalition through Shared Ideology,” was published in the May 2014 issue of Social Problems.
Zeynep Ozgen, “Ethnic boundaries in “non-ethnic” Turkey: Constructivist theory and the reproduction of diversity,” was accepted for publication at Theory and Society.
Xi Song, ““Ethnic Stratification amid China’s Economic Transition: Evidence from the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region” was recently published in Social Science Research. Her paper is co-authored with Xiaogang Wu. 2014.
Marie Berry, “There Is No Hope To Get A Better Life: How Rwanda’s remarkable, two-decade march from genocide has left women behind” was published by 2014
Laura Loeb, “Call and Response: An Anatomy of Religious Practice,” has been accepted for publication at Discourse Studies. 2014.
Michael Stambolis-Ruhstorfer, “How to Describe it? Why the Term ‘Coming Out’ Means Different Things in the U.S. and France,” was recently accepted for publication at Sociological Forum. This paper is co-authored by Abigail Saguy.
Chase Raymond, “Entitlement to Language: Calling 911 without English,” was published in this month’s issue of the journal Language in Society and was also picked up by an academic blog based on language-based inequalities. 2013
Hasan Mahmud, Enemy or ally: migrants, intermediaries and the state in Bangladeshi migration to Japan and the United States, Migration and Development, 2(1):1-15. 2013.
Hasan Mahmud ,“It’s My Money: Social Class and the Perception of Remittance among Bangladeshi Migrants in Japan,” has been accepted for publication in the journal Current Sociology. January 29, 2014.
Oliver Schilke was recently cited for his study of a film’s “Oscar appeal” in the Washington Post, Slate and the Toronto Star. You can find the articles here, here and here. January 15, 2014.
Nazgol Ghandnoosh, “Can We Wait 88 Years to End Mass Incarceration?”, Huffington Post. December 2013
Alexandra Tate, “Cancer-related infertility and young women: strategies for discussing fertility preservation,” was recently published in Oncofertility Communication: Sharing Information and Building Relationships across Disciplines, edited by T. Woodruff, M. Clayman, and K. E. Waimey. Alexandra’s chapter was co-authored with Karrie Ann Snyder.
Rene Almeling, The Unregulated Industry of the Sperm Industry, NY Times. November 2013
Rene Almeling (recent graduate) was published on the website of Genetics in Medicine, the official journal of the American College of Genetics and Genomics. You can find her articles,here, here and here.
Michael Stambolis-Ruhstorfer, “Labels of love : How migrants negotiate (or not) the culture of sexual identity,” was published in the most recent issue of the American Journal of Cultural Sociology.
Oliver Schilke has recently had three new papers accepted for publication: (1) Rossman, Gabriel, & Oliver Schilke. Forthcoming. “Close, but no cigar: the bimodal rewards to prize-seeking.” American Sociological Review. (2) Schilke, Oliver, Martin Reimann, & Karen S. Cook. Forthcoming. “Effect of relationship experience on trust recovery following a breach.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. (3) Schilke, Oliver, & Karen S. Cook. Conditionally Accepted. “Sources of alliance partner trustworthiness: integrating calculative and relational perspectives.” Strategic Management Journal, October 08, 2013
Julie Simon Thomas (1) Brand, Jennie E. and Juli Simon Thomas. [forthcoming.] “Job Displacement Among Single Mothers: Effects on Children’s Outcomes in Young Adulthood.” American Journal of Sociology. (2) Brand, Jennie E. and Juli Simon Thomas. 2013. “Causal Effect Heterogeneity.” Pp. 189-214 in Handbook of Causal Analysis for Social Research, Stephen L. Morgan ed., Springer Series, October 8, 2013.
Joshua Bloom, Black Against Empire: The History and Politics of the Black Panther Party, University of California Press, January 14, 2013
Peter Catron, “Immigrant Unionization through the Great Recession,” American Sociological Review, April 3, 2013
Michael DeLand, “Basketball in the Key of Law: The Significance of Disputing in Pick-up Basketball,” in the Law & Society Review, March 2013
Kjerstin Gruys, “Does this make me look fat? Aesthetic Labor and Fat Talk as Emotional Labor in a Women’s Plus-Size Clothing Store,” Social Problems, January 24, 2013
Kjerstin Gruys, Mirror, Mirror Off the Wall: How I Learned to Love My Body by Not Looking at it for a Year, receives “starred review” in Publishers Weekly, in press
Chase Raymond, “Negotiating Entitlement to Language: Calling 911 Without English,” Lanugage and Society, January 24, 2013
Chase Raymond, “Gender and Sexuality in Animated Television Sitcom Interaction,” Discourse & Communication, May 2013
Michael Stambolis-Ruhstorfer, “LGBT Sexuality and Families at the Start of the Twenty-First Century,” Annual Review of Sociology, 2013
Michael DeLand, “Suspending Narrative Engagements: The case of the pick-up basketball,” The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science. July 2012
Rebecca Dibennardo, Raven, Maria, Gillespie, Colleen, DiBennardo, Rebecca, Van Busum, Kristin, and Brian Elbel. “Vulnerable Patients’ Perceptions of Health Care Quality and Quality Data.” Medical Decision Making, October 2012.
Kjerstin Gruys, Frederick, D. A., Jafary, A. M., Gruys, K., & Daniels, E. A. (2012). Surveys and the epidemiology of body image dissatisfaction. In: Thomas F. Cash (ed). Encyclopedia of body image and human appearance (p. 766-773). San Diego: Academic Press.
Thomas Hannan, Watkins, Susan Cotts, Ann Swidler, and Thomas Hannan.”Outsourcing Social Transformation: Development NGOs as Organizations.” Annual Review of Sociology, Vol. 38, Forthcoming 2012
Rocio Rosales, “Survival, Economic Mobility, and Community Among Los Angeles Fruit Vendors”, Journal for Ethnic and Migration Studies, Forthcoming 2012
Nazgol Ghandnoosh, “‘Cross-Cultural’ Practices: Interpreting Non-African-American Participation in Hip-Hop Dance.” _Ethnic and Racial Studies_, 33(9),. 2010
Nazgol Ghandnoosh, “Organizing Workers Along Ethnic Lines: The Pilipino Workers’ Center,” in R. Milkman, J. Bloom, and V. Narro (eds.) Working for Justice: The L.A. Model of Organizing and Advocacy, Cornell University Press, 2010
Jaeeun Kim, “Establishing Identity: Documents, Performance, and Biometric Information in Immigration Proceedings”, Law and Social Inquiry 36:3, Forthcoming 2011
Jaeeun Kim, and R. Brubaker, “Transborder Membership Politics in Germany and Korea”, European Journal of Sociology, Forthcoming 2011
Tara McKay, Bryce McDavitt, Sheba George, and Matt G. Mutchler.. “Doing ‘Sex Drugs’: Accomplishing Social Identities as Young African American and Latino Gay and Bisexual Men.” Sociology of Health and Illness, Forthcoming 2011
Matt G. Mutchler, Tara McKay, Honghu Liu, Norman Candelario, Bill Stackhouse, Trista Bingham, and George Ayala, “Sex Drugs, Peer Connections, and HIV: Use and Risk among African American, Latino, and Multiracial Young Men who Have Sex with Men (YMSM) in Los Angeles and New York.” Journal of Gay and Lesbian Social Services. 23:2, 271-295 June, 2011
Chris Craney, Tara McKay, April Mazzeo, Janey Morris, Cheryl Prigodich, and Robert deGroot, “Cross Discipline Perceptions of the Undergraduate Research Experience”, Journal of Higher Education 82(1): 92-113, 2011
Matt G. Mutchler, Glenn Wagner, Burt Cowgill, Tara McKay, Brian Risley, and Laura Bogart, “Improving HIV/AIDS Care through Treatment Advocacy: Going beyond Client Education to Empowerment by Facilitating Client-Provider Relationships”, AIDS Care, 23(1): 79-90, 2011
Tara McKay, and Matt G. Mutchler, “The Effect of Partner Sex: Nondisclosure of HIV Status to Male and Female Partners among Men who Have Sex with Men and Women (MSMW).” AIDS and Behavior 15, 6:1140-1152, 2010
Neckerman, K., Bader, M., Richards, C., Purciel, M., Quinn, J., Julie Simon Thomas, Warbelow, C., Weiss, C., Lovasi, G., & Rundle, “Disparities in the food environments of New York City public schools”, American Journal of Preventative Medicine, 39(3): 195-202, 2010
Kathryn Coursolle, Sweeney, M., Raymo, J., & Ho, J., “The Association Between Retirement and Emotional Well-Being: Does Prior Work-Family Conflict Matter?”, Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences, 65B(5), 609-620. 2010
Kathryn Coursolle and Megan Sweeney, “Work-family conflict”, In Harry T. Reis & Susan Sprecher (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Human Relationships, 1691-1694, Sage, 2009
Uri Ben-Eliezer and Yuval Feinstein, “The Politics of Borders and the Borders of Politics: Sovereignty and Autonomy around Israel’s Human Rights Abuses in the Separation Barrier Project.” Mobilization: The International Quarterly Review of Social Movement Research. Volume 14, No. 3: September 2009
Jaeeun Kim,“The Making and Unmaking of a ‘Transborder Nation’: South Korea during and after the Cold War. Theory and Society, 38(2): 133-164, 2009
Jooyoung Lee, “Fans, Wannabes, and Rappers: Young Black Men and the Rap Career” in Darnell Hunt (ed), Black LA: American Dreams and Racial Realities, NYU Press, 2010
Jooyoung Lee, “Battlin’ on the Corner: Techniques for Sustaining Play,” forthcoming in Social Problems, Social Problems 56(3): 578-598, 2009
Jooyoung Lee, “Escaping Embarrassment: Face-Work in the Rap Cipher,” doi: 10.1177/019027250907200405, Social Psychology Quarterly December 2009 vol. 72 no. 4 306-324
Jooyoung Lee, “Open mic: Professionalizing the Rap Career,” doi: 10.1177/1466138109347001, Ethnography December 2009 vol. 10 no. 4 475-495
Tara McKay and Matt G. Mutchler, “The Effect of Partner Sex: Nondisclosure of HIV Status to Male and Female Partners among Men who Have Sex with Men and Women (MSMW).” AIDS and Behavior. doi 10.1007/s10461-010-9851-4, 2010
Tara McKay, “Methods for Recruiting Men of Color Who Have Sex with Men in Prevention-for-Positives Interventions” Prevention Science, doi:10.1007/s11121-009-0149-6, 2009
Tara McKay and Stefan Timmermans, “The Bioethical Misconception: A Reply to Lidz.” Social Science & Medicine 69(12):1793-1796, 2009
Tara McKay and Stefan Timmermans, “Clinical Trials as Treatment Option: Bioethics and Health Inequities in Substance Dependency.” Social Science & Medicine 69(12):1784-1790, 2009
Renee Reichl Luthra, “Temporary Immigrants in a High Skilled Labour Market: A Study of H-1Bs”, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 35(2) 227-250, 2009
Kristin Surak, “Making ‘Japanese’ Tea” in “’Making’ Japanese Heritage. Rupert Cox and Christoph Brumann, eds. London: Routledge. 2009
Veronica Terriquez and John Rogers, “Becoming Civic: Latino Immigrant Parental School Participation.” In Critical Voices in Bicultural Parent Engagement: Operationalizing Advocacy and Empowerment. Edited by Edward M. Olivos. Albany, New York: SUNY Press, Forthcoming 2009
John Rogers and Veronica Terriquez, “”More Justice”: The Role of Organized Labor in School Reform.” Educational Policy. 23:216-241, 2009
David Trouille, “Association football to fútbol: ethnic succession and the history of Chicago-area soccer, 1921-2006.” Soccer & Society 10.2. 2009
Choi, K., A. Sakamoto, D. Powers. “Who Is Hispanic? Hispanic Identity among African Americans, Asian Americans, Others, and Whites”, Sociological Inquiry 78(3): p 335-371, 2008
Choi, K., R. Raley, C. Muller. C. Riegle-Crumb. “Class Composition: Socioeconomic Characteristics of Coursemates and College Enrollment”. Social Science Quarterly 89(4):846-866, 2008
Jooyoung Lee, “Gangsta Rap,” in Vincent N. Parrillo (ed) The Encyclopedia of Social Problems, Pp. 388-389. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 2008.
Hasan Mahmud, “Drug addiction and identity politics: the spiritual use of ganja in Bangladesh,” Contemporary Justice Review, 11:4, 441 — 458, 2008
Renee Reichl Luthra, “High Skilled Temporary Immigrants in a Segmented Labor Market: A Study of H-1Bs,” Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 2008
Forrest Stuart and Blasi, Gary, “Has the Safer Cities Initiative in Skid Row Reduced Serious Crime?”, 2008
Abigail C. Saguy and Forrest Stuart, “Culture and Law: Beyond a Paradigm of Cause and Effect”, The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science on “Culture and the Subfields of Sociology,” edited by John H. Evans, Mary Blair-Loy, Amy Binder, Kwai Ng, and Michael Schudson. 619: 1: 149-164, 2008
Norma Day-Vines and Veronica Terriquez, “A Strengths-Based Approach to Promoting Discipline Among African American and Latino Students.” Professional School Counseling. 12:170-175, 2008
Paul Ong and Veronica Terriquez, “Can Multiple Pathways Offset Inequalities in the Urban Spatial Structure?” Pp. 131-151. In Beyond Tracking: Multiple Pathways to College, Career, and Civic Participation. Edited by J. Oakes and M. Saunders. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Education Publishing, 2008
David Trouille, “Association football to fútbol: ethnic succession and the history of Chicago-area soccer, 1890-1920.” Soccer & Society 9.4: 455-476, 2008
Jennifer Winther, “Categories Reflecting and Shaping Social Structure: Japanese Household Enumeration since 1870” Social Science History, 32(1), 2008