Graduate Honors


César Bowley Castillo was awarded the Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad Fellowship.

Natasha Bluth was awarded the Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad Fellowship.

Marie Berry (former PhD student) was awarded the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers, the highest honor bestowed by the U.S. government on outstanding scientists and engineers early in their careers.


Irene Del Mastro and Victoria Tran each received a fellowship from the Center for Engaged Scholarship for the academic year 2024-2025. 

Ahyeon Cho presented a paper, titled: “Who Remains Multiracial? Measuring Who Shifts In and Out of the Multiracial Category,” at the Population Association of America Annual Meeting and received a poster award for her presentation. 

Catherine Crooke​ received a fellowship from the ASA’s Minority Fellowship Program for the academic year 2024-2025.

Katherin Smock​ received a Hayes Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship Award.

Irene Del Mastro​  was recently awarded the ASA Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grant, the Center for Engaged Scholarship Dissertation 2024-2025 Fellowship, and the Haynes Lindley Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship.

Victoria Tran received the Ideas & Organizing Doctoral Award (

Hanna Jun was selected as a Korea Foundation Fellow through the foundation’s scholarship for graduate studies program. She was also awarded the Asian Pacific Fund’s Hsiao Memorial Scholarship.

Deisy Del Real, a recent graduate and Assistant Professor of Sociology at USC, was elected to a four-year term as the ASA delegate at the International Sociological Association Council of National Associations.


Johanna Hernandez Perez has been selected for a Mellon/ACLS Dissertation Innovation Fellowship (DIF) her project, Race for Tourism: How State Bureaucrats Contended with Each Other to Represent Jamaica and Puerto Rico.

Carla Salazar Gonzalez has received a dissertation award from the American Society of Criminology’s Division of People of Color and Crime.


Caitlin Ahearn has been elected as the student representative for the council of the ASA’s Methodology Section.

Juan Delgado was awarded the LSA Collegiate Fellowship at the University of Michigan (Ann Arbor). He will also start the position hosted in the Sociology Department in September 2022.

Leydy Diossa was awarded the Postdoctoral Fellowship in the National Center for Institutional Diversity at the University of Michigan (Ann Arbor). She will start the position hosted in the Sociology Department in September 2022.

Carla Salazar Gonzalez has been awarded the American Sociological Association’s (ASA) prestigious and competitive Minority Fellowship for the 2022-2023 academic year. She has also received the Russell Sage Foundation Dissertation Grant and was accepted into UCSD’s Center for US-Mexican Studies Visiting Fellows Program.

Zep Kalb was interviewed by CNN about recent anti-austerity protests in Iran. His interview can be found here.

Amanda McArthur just landed a 3-year postdoctoral fellowship in Johns Hopkins University’s Division of General Internal Medicine. She will start her new position in July this year.

Kristella Montiegel was awarded the Chancellor’s Postdoctoral Fellowship for Diversity Program at the University of Colorado- Boulder. She will start the position, which will be hosted in the Communication Department, in August 2022. The program is part of a collaborative partnership with the University of California President’s Postdoctoral Fellowship.

Josefina Flores Morales is one of the recipients of UCLA’s Charles E. & Sue K. Young Graduate Student Fellowship Award and has been elected as the gaduate student representative in the Council for the ASA’s Population Section.

She has also been selected into the Propel Postdoctoral Program at Stanford University and expects to start the position early next year.

Pei Palmgren received an honorable mention for the Distinguished Contribution for Scholarship Award for a Graduate Student Paper for his paper “State capacity and opportunistic governance: the Causes and consequences of regulatory brokerage in Thailand’s guest work formalization process” (published in Social Problems;

Leslie Paik, currently Professor at Arizona State University, won the William J Goode Book Award from the Family Section of the ASA for her book Trapped in a Maze. University of California Press, published in 2021.

Monica Ramsy was admitted to the Robert Wood Johnson Health Policy Research Scholars Program, which provides a four-year fellowship for doctoral students in any academic discipline who are starting their second year of study and want to apply their research to help build healthier and more equitable communities.

Shiva Rouhani received the Ebrahimi Predoctoral Fellowship from UCLA’s Center for Near Eastern Studies for academic year 2022-2023.

Forrest Stuart, current associate professor at Stanford University, won outstanding contribution award from the Children and Youth Section of the ASA for his book Ballad of the Bullet: Gangs, Drill Music, and the Power of Online Infamy (Princeton University Press, 2020).

Eli R. Wilson received an honorable mention from the Mirra Komarovsky Book Award of the Eastern Sociological Society (ESS) for his book, Front of the House Back of the House: Race and Inequality in the Lives of Restaurant Workers (New York University Press 2021).


Jessica Huerta was awarded an upgrade to her fellowship from the Pat Tillman Foundation, with $10,000 for this year and another $10k for the next. The foundation also interviewed her for their first feature for Hispanic Heritage month. The interview can be found here.

Elizabeth Bruch (PhD 2006, Associate Professor, U of Michigan) received the Innovation Award from the American Sociological Association Methodology Section for her innovative theoretical and statistical framework for “cognitively plausible” models of decision making.

Xi Song (PhD 2015; Associate Professor of Sociology, U of Penn) was awarded the William Julius Wilson Early Career Award from the American Sociological Association Section on Inequality, Poverty, and Mobility.

Bernard Koch was awarded a dissertation research grant (with Jacob Foster) from the National Science Foundation. The project title is: Doctoral Dissertation Research: Evaluating the Promise and Pitfalls of Benchmarking in Machine Learning Research.

Tahseen Shams has been awarded the 2021 ASA Religion Section Book Award for her book, Here, There, and Elsewhere: The Making of Immigrant Identities in a Globalized World. She has also received the Migration Award and the Asia and Asian America Book Award for her book from ASA.

Andrew Le received Best Graduate Student Paper Award for “The Third Elements of Migration” from the ASA Theory Section.

Alina Arseniev-Koehler was awarded the Best Dissertation-in-Progress Award from the ASA Section on Mathematical Sociology.

Former graduate student David Cook-Martin was elected chair of the ASA International Migration section.

Former graduate student Laura Enriquez won the ASA Section on the Sociology of the Family’s William J. Goode Book Award for her book “Of Love and Papers: How Immigration Policy Affects Romance and Family.”

Former graduate student Rocío García won the ASA Latino/a Sociology section’s Distinguished Research Article Award for the paper “Latinx Feminist Politicmaking: On the Necessity of Messiness in Collective Action,” published in Social Problems in 2020.

Tahseen Sham was awarded the Thomas and Znaniecki Book Award from the American Sociological Association.

Peter Catron was awarded the Louis Wirth Best Article Award from the American Sociological Association.

Veronica Terriquez was awarded the International Migration Public Sociology Award from the American Sociological Association.

Catherine Crooke was awarded a Ford Foundation Fellowship.

Andrew Le was awarded the Aristide Zolberg Distinguished Student Scholar Award from the American Sociological Association.

Josefina Flores Morales was awarded the 2021 Society for the Study of Social Problems (SSSP) Racial/Ethnic Minority Graduate Fellowship.

Charlotte Abel was awarded a fellowship through the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP).

Ian Peacock was awarded a National Science Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement (NSF DDRI) grant.

Tianjian Lai was awarded a fellowship through the NSF Non-Academic Research Internships for Graduate Students (INTERN) program, which will support her work at the Migration Policy Institute.

Yvonne Carrillo was awarded a Ford Foundation Predoctoral Fellowship Honorable Mention.

Natasha Bluth was awarded the Stanford U.S.-Russia Forum Fellowship and Susan Kellogg Award in the Sociology of Gender.

Tahseen Shams won the 2021 Distinguished Scholarship Award from the Pacific Sociological Society for the book “Here, There, and Elsewhere: The Making of Immigrant Identities in a Globalized World”.

Yvonne Carrillo was awarded a Weber-Durkheim Award for Excellence in Sociology (Rice).

Alexis Rae was awarded the 2020 Doctoral Fellowship, Gender Equality & Anti-Discrimination Research, WORLD Policy Analysis Center, UCLA Fielding School of Public Health.

Sam Lutzker was given an honorable mention for an NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) award.


Natasha Bluth was awarded the Fulbright U.S. Student Research Grant (Russia).

Yvonne Carrillo was awarded a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship.

Margot Brooks was awarded a Susan Kellogg Award.

Catherine L. Crooke was awarded the Yale Law School Benjamin Scharps Prize 2019.

Nanum Jeon was awarded a Kwanjung Educational Fellowship 2019.

Yvonne Carrillo was awarded a Clyde Ferguson Bull Traveling Fellowship (Rice).

Ryan Cho was awarded a Eugen V. Cota-Robles Fellow.

Josefina Flores Morales was awarded a California Center for Population Research Don Treiman Fellowship 2019.

Raven Deverux was awarded a Eugen V. Cota-Robles Fellowship.


Andrew Le was awarded a UC-Santa Barbara Blum Center Graduate Research Grant on Poverty, Inequality and Democracy for the 2019-20 academic year.

Yewon Lee published the article “Reframing Gentrification: How Tenant Shopkeepers’ Activism in Seoul Radically Reframed Gentrification” in Critical Sociology; won an Honorable Mention for this article for the 2019 Mayer N. Zald Distinguished Contribution to Scholarship Graduate Student Paper Award (ASA Collective Behavior & Social Movements Section); and also won the 2019 Association of Korean Sociologists in America Graduate Student Paper Award.

Ariana Valle‘s paper “Race and the Empire-state: Puerto Ricans’ Unequal U.S. Citizenship” has won the 2019 ASA International Migration Section Student Paper Award. She also won the ASA Latina/o Sociology Section’s 2019 Cristina Maria Riegos Distinguished Student Paper Award for her paper “Race and the Empire-state: Puerto Ricans’ Unequal U.S. Citizenship,” which was published in Sociology of Race and Ethnicity. The paper is available here

Diya Bose won the CSW Constance Coiner Award.

Wisam Alshaibi was awarded a fellowship from The American Research Institute in Iraq (TARII).

Angela Clague was recognized with an Honorable Mention for the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP).

Ian Gray was awarded an SSRC Mellon International Dissertation Research Fellowship (IDRF).

Anthony James Williams was awarded a fellowship through the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP).

Deisy Del Real has landed three positions at USC. She will first be appointed as a Provost Postdoctoral Fellow at USC from 2019-20, then will serve as a Turpanjian Postdoctoral Fellow in USC’s Sociology Department and the Center for the Study of Immigrant Integration for 2020-2021, and, after that, will begin a tenure-track Assistant Professor position in the Sociology Department at USC, starting in 2021

Sung Park published an article with Judy Seltzer and Emily Wiemers, “The Family Safety Net of Black and White Multigenerational Families,” in Population and Development Review. It is available here.

Paul Martinez published a policy brief, “The Promise of Strategic Nudging to Increase Student Awareness and Access to Financial Aid,” in _Wheelhouse: The Center for Community College Leadership and Research. The brief is available here.

Wisam Alshaibi was selected as a fellow by the Forum Transregionale Studien, the Max Weber Foundation, and the German Humanities Institute Abroad.

Molly Fee was awarded a National Science Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grant.

Ariana Valle‘s new article based on her dissertation research, “Race and the Empire-state: Puerto Ricans’ Unequal U.S. Citizenship,” appears in the current issue of Sociology of Race and Ethnicity. The article is available here. A report she authored based on a second research project, “¡Puerto Rico Se Levanta!: Hurricane María and Narratives of Struggle, Resilience, and Migration,” was published by the Natural Hazards Center (University of Colorado-Boulder). This report is also featured in the U.S. National Library of Medicine Disaster Lit database. The report is available here

Sung Park has accepted an appointment to the Sloan Postdoctoral Fellowship on Aging and Work at Harvard University.

Neil Gong has accepted two positions: a postdoctoral appointment with the Michigan Society of Fellows (University of Michigan) and a tenure-track assistant professorship at UC-San Diego.

Ian Gray published a commentary in the Washington Post (Monkey Cage) on the PG&E bankruptcy and what it means for firms and markets in light of climate change. The piece is available here.

Chiara Galli was awarded a Dissertation Improvement Grant from the National Science Foundation for her research.

Josefina Flores Morales published “Aging Knows No Borders” in Public Health Post, available here.

Nathan Hoffman published a new paper in the British Education Research Journal. The paper, “Cognitive achievement of children of immigrants: Evidence from the Millennium Cohort Study and the 1970 British Cohort Study,” is available for download here.

Rocio Garcia has accepted a tenure-track position as Assistant Professor at Arizona State University starting in August 2019.

Ian Peacock, published a report with the American Immigration Council (with Emily Ryo from USC) on “The Landscape of Immigration Detention in the United States.” The report has received a wave of media coverage in NBC NewsHouston Public MediaQuartz, and Augusta Free Press.

David Schieber has accepted a position at Northwestern University as an Assistant Professor of Instruction. The position is joint between their Department of Sociology and Business Institutions Program.

Sung Park, Professor Judy Seltzer, and former UCLA doctoral student Jenjira Yahirun’s paper, “Step-grandparenthood in the United States” was published in the Journal of Gerontology and referenced in the New York Times article, “A Cornucopia of Grandparents”. 

Molly Fee was quoted in an ABC News report entitled “For highly skilled refugees, an opportunity to translate language skills into work.” The piece is available here.

Wisam Alshaibi has been awarded a fellowship through the Department of Education’s Graduate Assistance in Areas of National Need (GAANN) program.

Chiara Galli has just published an op-ed on USC’s Center for the Study of Immigrant Integration blog. The paper “Central American Kids are Escaping Violence, Why Won’t the U.S. Protect Them?” is available here.

Ariana Valle was featured in the video Sociologists On Sociology  produced by the American Sociological Association.

Rocio Garcia has been selected as one of seven doctoral candidates nationally for the ASA Minority Fellowship Program (MFP). See the ASA announcement here.


Ariana Valle solo-authored an article titled “Race and the Empire-state: Puerto Ricans’ Unequal U.S. Citizenship” published in Sociology of Race and Ethnicity.  For the full piece visit:

Deisy Del Real was recently published by the International Migration Review with a piece titled “Toxic Ties: The Reproduction of Legal Violence within Mixed-Status Intimate Partners, Relatives, and Friends.” For the full piece, see:

Phi Su received the SSSP Global Division/Critical Sociology Award for her paper, “Making Cold War Migrants: Vietnamese in Divided Germany.”

Andrew Le published his first piece titled “Episodic ethnicity: a case study of a Japanese Buddhist temple” in the Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. For the full piece, see: 10.1080/1369183X.2018.1452607

Rocio Garcia has received the American Sociological Association Minority Fellowship (ASA MFP), the Inter-University Program for Latino Research/Mellon (IUPLR) Dissertation Fellowship, and the UCLA Center for the Study of Women Constance Coiner Graduate Award.

Alex Tate accepted a post-doctoral fellowship at the Center for Health and the Social Sciences at the University of Chicago starting this summer.

Joel Herrera received the ASA Sociology of Development’s Best Student Paper Award for his MA paper  “Cultivating Violence: Trade Liberalization, Labor Informality, and the Mexican Drug Trade.”

Deisy Del Real has received the Charles & Sue Young Graduate Fellowship!

Graduate Students Nihal Kayali and Bernard Koch received NSF Graduate Research Fellowships! Nihal’s project title is “Bifurcated Incorporation: Parallel Systems of Healthcare for Syrian Refugees in Turkey.”  Bernard’s project title is “Beyond Citation Counts: Evaluating and Predicting Scientific Impact through Citation Usage.”

Graduate student Wisam Alshaibi was quoted in a recent piece in the online magazine

Professor Kevan Harris and graduate student Zep Kalb have a piece in The Washington Post’s Monkey Cage section, using data compiled on labor unrest in Iran over the past five years:

Deisy del Real and Juan Delgado have been awarded the Graduate Student Fieldwork Award, funded by the Sociology Department’s Board of Visitors.

Wisam Alshaibi’s research was recently featured on the Hoover Institution website:

Alumnus Susila Gurusami is quoted in this Buzzfeed article on her research. For the full piece, see:

Emily Yen was quoted in a recent Los Angeles Times story on proposed changes to taxation affecting higher education. For the full story, see:

Alexis Coopersmith published an essay based on her master’s research in the political science blog, Political Violence @ a Glance. For the full piece, see:


Deisy Del Real was awarded the National Science Foundation Sociology Program’s Dissertation Research Improvement Award for her research:  “Why do Most South American Countries Legalize Intra-Regional Migrants and Give Them Rights?: The Case of Mercosur.”

Amelia Hill was elected to the ASA as Student Council Member of the Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis section.

Emily Yen was elected to the ASA as Student Council Member of the Community and Urban Sociology section.

Emily Yen was was named one of the inaugural Port of Los Angeles Fellows earlier this year.  The Port of Los Angeles Fellowship is a year-long fellowship that allows her to spend a year at the port to research environmental mitigation and community development in Southern California.

Aaron Crawford has been awarded the Distinguished Teaching Award for Teaching Assistants.

Chiara Galli just published her paper, “A Rite of Reverse Passage: the construction of youth migration in the US asylum process” in Ethnic and Racial Studies.

Peter Catron has been awarded the 2016 IPUMS Research Award for best contribution in the category of US research by a grad student for his article “The Citizenship Advantage: Immigrant Socioeconomic Attainment across Generations in the Age of Mass Migration.”

David Schieber was author of the article, “Money, Morals, and Condom Use: The Politics of Health in Gay and Straight Adult Film Production” in the latest issue of Social Problems.

Irene Vega co-authored an article with Professor Vilma Ortiz entitled, “Mexican Americans and Immigration Attitudes: A Cohort Analysis of Assimilation and Group Consciousness” in the latest issue of Social Problems.

Nicole Iturriaga coauthored an article with Professor Abigail Saguy entitled, “‘I Would Never Want to be an Only Wife’: The Role of Discursive Networks and Post-Feminist Discourse in Reframing Polygamy” that was just published in Social Problems. 

Karina Chavarria has been chosen as a 2016 National Academy of Education/Spencer Dissertation Fellow.

Peter Catron has the lead article in the current issue of AJS: Made in America? Immigrant Occupational Mobility in the First Half of the Twentieth Century.

Lina Stepick was one of a select few UCLA Sustainable LA Grand Challenge Fellows who presented her work to the LA Mayor’s Office of Sustainability at City Hall. Further information can be found here.

Leydy Diossa-Jimenez and Jay Johnson have both received the 2016-17 Fulbright-Hays award.

Michael Siciliano received the NSF Dissertation Research Improvement Award to conduct additional research on the experiences of digital media content producers in the Midwest and Northeast.

Andrew Le was awarded the Taiwan Studies Lectureship Graduate Research Fellowship for his proposed project, “Taiwan’s Role in Global Migration and the Creation of an ‘Accidental’ Community” and the Professor Harry H. L. Kitano Graduate Prize from the Asian American Studies Center for his paper titled “An Accidental Community? The Vietnamese Immigrants in Trinidad and Tobago.”

Pat Reilly received an honorable mention for the ASA Organizations, Occupations, and Work section’s James Thompson student paper prize for his paper “The Layers of a Clown: Career Development in Cultural Production Industries.” This paper was also a runner-up for the Academy of Management’s Organization and Management Theory Divisions Louis Pondy Award for best dissertation-based paper, and it was included in the AOM’s Best Paper Proceedings–which recognizes the top 10% of papers accepted for the AOM’s annual conference.

Tahseen Shams has received the IAC Graduate/Predoctoral Fellowship from the Asian American Studies Center for Summer 2017.

Rahim Kurwa is to receive the Bunche Center for African American Studies Graduate/Predoctoral Fellowship for 2016-2017.

Karina Chavarria was selected as a National Academy of Education/Spencer Dissertation Fellow.

Eleni Skaperdas has won a prestigious NSF Graduate Research Fellowship for her ethnographic project entitled “Reproductive Dystopia? Stratified Prenatal Choice in the Two Americas.

Jose Chuchilla has been awarded the Ford Predoctoral Fellowship.

Susila Gurusami has received the CSW Paula Stone Legal Research Award.

Nada Ali Ramadan has recieved the Center for Near Eastern Studies (CNES) fellowship for 16-17

Leydy Diossa-Jimenez has received the Will Rogers Memorial privately endowed fellowship.

Eli Wilson has recieved the Werner R. Scott privately endowed fellowship.

Anne White has received the Dr. Ursula Mandel privately endowed fellowship.

Congratulations to Matt Fox on receiving the UCLA Asia Institute: Taiwan Studies Lectureship Graduate Research Fellowship for Summer 2016

Congratulations to Nicole Iturriaga on receiving The Russian & Eurasian Studies Endowed Award for Summer 2016.

Congratulations to Lina Stepick on receiving the UCLA Sustainable LA Grand Challenge Fellowship for her project “Gentrification and Displacement around Transit-Oriented Development and Affordable Housing Land Use Policy”.

Congratulations to Amy Zhou on receiving the Elizabeth Blackwell, MD award by the UCLA Center for the Study of Women for her paper “The uncertainty of treatment: Women’s use of HIV treatment as prevention in Malawi”.

Congratulations to Zach Griffen and Pei Palmgren on receiving the SSRC Dissertation Proposal Development Fellowship (DPDF).


Joshua Bloom has been elected to two ASA positions: the council of the ASA section on Labor and Labor Movements and the publications committee of the ASA section on Collective Behavior and Social Movements.

Saskia Nauenberg was awarded a NSF Graduate Research Opportunities Worldwide Travel Allowance and USAID Research and Innovation Fellowship to conduct fieldwork in Colombia from August 2015-August 2016.

Xi Song has recveived an honorable mention for this year’s ASA Family Section Graduate Paper award for her paper “Heterogeneous Grandparent Effects: The Effect of Grandparents’ Education on Grandchildren’s Education in One-Parent and Two-Parent Families.”

Sung Park has won an award for her PAA Poster “Home-leaving During the Transition to Adulthood: A Comparison of Two American Cohorts.”

Congratulations to Danielle Callendar on receiving the Ford Fellowship!

Hasan Mahmud’s paper “Social Determinants of Remitting Practices among Bangladeshi Migrants in Japan” has been awarded the Distinguished Graduate Student Paper 2015 by the Pacific Sociological Association.


Joshua Bloom’s book Black Against Empire: The History and Politics of the Black Panther Party (co-authored with Waldo Martin) is the winner of the American Book Award. Josh is in great company with Jamaica Kincaid, Audre Lorde, Henry Louis Gates, bell hooks, Art Spiegelman, Don DeLillo, Edward Said, Isabel Allende, Cornel West, and others as previous winners

Calvin Ho, Graduate Research Opportunities Worldwide Fellowship from the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the Research Council of Norway, University of Oslo

Marie Berry, 2013-14 Charles E. and Sue K. Young Graduate Student Award

Richard HongCarla Salazar Gonzalez and Amber Villalobos, NSF Graduate Research Fellowship

Clara Bergen & Pei Palmgren, NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Honorable Mention


Jaeeun Kim (Alumna), Theda Skocpol Dissertation Award, Comparative and Historical Sociology Section [ASA Conference 2013]

Elena Shih, Graduate Student Paper Award, Asia and Asian America Section [ASA Conference 2013]

Kristen Schilt (Alumna), Distinguished Book Award Honorable Mention, Sex and Gender Section [ASA Conference 2013]

Chase Wesley  Raymond & Anne Elizabeth White, Graduate Student Paper Award, Ethnomethodology & Conversation Analysis [ASA Conference 2013]

Anthony Campo (Alumnus), Distinguished Article Award, Sociology of Sexualities [ASA Conference 2013]

Kjerstin Gruys, Thomson Award for Best Graduate Student Paper, Honorable mention, Organizations, Occupation and Work Section [ASA Conference 2013]

Kjerstin Gruys, Best Graduate Student Paper, Honorable Mention, Labor and Labor Movements/Critical Sociology Sections [ASA Conference 2013]

Kjerstin Gruys, Best Student Paper Award, Consumers & Consumption Section [ASA Conference 2013]

David Fitzgerald, The Award for Public Sociology in International Migration, International Migration Section [ASA Conference 2013]

Rene Almeling (Alumna), Distinguished Book Award Honorable Mention, Sex and Gender Section [ASA Conference 2013]

Thomas Soehl’s article, “Inheriting the Homeland? Intergenerational Transmission of Cross-Border Ties in Migrant Families,” co-authored with UCLA Professor Roger Waldinger and originally published in the November issue of the American Journal of Sociology, has been honored with the 2013 Reuben HIll Award from the National Council on Family Relations. This highly prestigious award is presented to the authors of the best research article from the prior year which makes a substantial and significant contribution to the family research and theory.

Gustav Brown’s article, “Does Framing Matter? Institutional Constraints on Framing in Two Cases of Intrastate Violence,” has been accepted for publication in the journal Mobilization.

Peter Catron, comment on Immigrant Unionization through the Great Recession has just been published in the American Sociological Review April 2013

Stepanie D’Souza, National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship honorable mention 2013

Philippe Duhart has been awarded a Council for European Studies (CES) Mellon-CES Dissertation Completion Fellowship

Laura Enriquez, Ford Foundation Dissertation Fellowship

Megan Fornasar, Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) Fellowship from UCLA’s Center for European and Eurasian Studies Summer 2013

Rocio Garcia has received an honorable mention for her application to the Ford Foundation Predoctoral Fellowship Program

Susila Gurusami, CSW Constance Coiner Graduate Fellowship 2013

Calvin Ho, National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship 2013

Jay Johnson, Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) Fellowship from UCLA’s Center for European and Eurasian Studies 2013-2014

Hasan Mahmud, Hosei International Scholars Fellowship 2013-2014

Tara McKay, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s Scholar’s in Health Policy Research Program UC Berkeley/UC San Francisco Postdoctoral Fellowship Program 2013-2015

Saskia Nauenberg, National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship 2013

Zeynep Ozgen, Council for European Studies (CES) Mellon-CES Dissertation Completion Fellowship 2013

Zeynep Ozgen, Council for European Studies (CES) Mellon-ACLS Dissertation 2013

Caitlin Patler, UC MEXUS Fellowship 2013-2014

Caitlin Patler, Community Action Research Award, American Sociological Association’s Sydney S. Spivack Program in Applied Social Research amd Sociol Policy 2013-2014

Caitlin Patler, Graduate Student Research Grant, UC Center for New Racial Studies 2013-2014

Tahseen Shams, National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship 2013

Oliver Schilke, National Science Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grant (Sociology Program) 2013-2013

Oliver Schilke, UCLA Graduate Division Travel Grant 2013-2014

Elena Shih, Ford Foundation Dissertation Fellowship 2013

Elena Shih, ASA Minority Fellowship Program Fellowship 2013

Lina Stepick, National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship 2013

Lina Stepick, honorable mention for her application to the Ford Foundation Predoctoral Fellowship Program

Alexandra Tate, National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship honorable mention 2013

Julia Tomassetti, Law Research Fellowships at Georgetown Law 2013-2015

David Trouille, UC MEXUS Fellowship 2013-2014

Irene Vega, Predoctoral Fellowship from the Ford Foundation

Irene Vega, Alice Belkin Memorial Scholarship from the UCLA Burkle Center for International Relations

Danielle Wondra, Poster Award for “Understanding Men’s Fertility Preferences and Intentions: The Effects of Race, Class and Sexuality” presentatin at the Population Association of America (PAA) annual meeting 2013


Marie Berry, Dissertation Fieldwork Fellowship for International Studies, UCLA International Institute, 2012

Marie Berry, Jean Stone Dissertation Research Fellowship, UCLA Center for the Study of Women, 2012

Deisy Del Real, National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship, 2012

Laura Enriquez, National Science Foundation, Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant, 2012

Laura Enriquez, UC MEXUS, Dissertation Grant, 2012

Yuval Feinstein, Winner of the Elise Boulding Student Paper Award, 2012

Yuval Feinstein, Best Doctoral Student Paper Award from the Nationalism Section of the Association for the Study of Nationalities, 2012

Yuval Feinstein, ASA Sociology of Emotion’s Section’s Outstanding Graduate Student Paper award, 2012

Neil Gong, National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship, 2012

Neil Gong, Honorable Mention, Ford Foundation Pre-Doctoral Diversity Fellowship, 2012

Shanna Gong, Pacific Rim Research Program Graduate Fellowship, 2012

Jay Johnson, Boren Fellowship, 2012-13

Hasan Mahmud, Kawahara Fellowship, Terasaki Center for Japanese Studies (UCLA), 2012

Tara McKay, Mellon/ACLS Dissertation Completion Fellowship, 2012

Tara McKay, National Science Foundation, Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant, 2012

Mirian G. Meux, National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship, 2012

Sarah Morando, American Bar Foundation’s Law and Social Science Dissertation & Mentoring Fellowship, 2012.

Sarah Morando, American Dissertation Fellowship from the American Association of University Women, 2012

Sarah Morando, Employment, Instability, Family Well-Being, and Social Policy Network at the University of Chicago’s School of Social Service Administration Grant, 2012

Sarah Morando, Graduate Student Paper Award from the journal Law & Social Inquiry, 2012

Sarah Morando, UC MEXUS, Dissertation Grant, 2012

Ana Muniz, Soros Justice Fellow, Open Society Foundations, 2012

John O’Brien, Best Student Paper Award from the Association for the Sociology of Religion, 2012

Caitlin Patler, University of California Humanities Research Institute/UC California Studies Consortium Graduate Student Research Travel Grant, 2012-13

Caitlin Patler, Law & Society Association Graduate Travel Grant Recipient, 2012

Caitlin Patler, UC California Studies Consortium Graduate Student Research Travel Grant, University of California Humanities Research Institute, 2012-13

Michael Stambolis, Chateaubriand Fellowship (Humanities and Social Sciences Division) from the French Embassy, 2012

Sylvia Zamora, Distinguished Student Scholar Award from the ASA International Migration Section, 2012

Sylvia Zamora, James E. Blackwell Graduate Student Paper Award from the ASA Racial and Ethnic Minorities Section, 2012

Sylvia Zamora, Haynes Lindley Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship Award, 2012


Marie Berry, Charles and Louise Tilly Prize from the Social Science History Assocation for best unpublished paper, 2011

Josh Bloom, Charles E. and Sue K. Young Graduate Student Award, 2011

Josh Bloom, ASA Reinhard Bendix Prize, Best Graduate Student Paper (Comparative Historical Sociology), 2011

Josh Bloom, ASA Best Graduate Student Paper (Collective Behavior & Social Movements), 2011

Deisy Del Real, Paul and Daisy Soros Fellowship for New Americans in, 2011

Phillipe Duhart, SSCR International Dissertation Research Fellowship, 2011

Phillipe Duhart, UCLA International Institute, Long-Term Fieldwork Fellowship, 2011

Yuval Feinstein, National Science Foundation (Sociology Program), Dissertation Research Improvement Grant, 2011

Nazgol Ghandnoosh, Haynes Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship, 2011

Neil Gong, Elena and Greg Davis Foundation Grant, 2011

Neil Gong, UCLA Department of Sociology Fellowship, 2011

Nahoko Kameo, NSF Dissertation Research Improvement Grant in Science of Science and Innovation Policy, 2011

Nahoko Kameo, Aratani Fellowship from the UCLA Terasaki Center for Japanese Studies, 2011

Nahoko Kameo, Kauffman Dissertation Fellowship from the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation, 2011

Stela Krasteva, American Council of Learned Societies Dissertation Fellowship, 2011

Yana Kucheva, Horowitz Foundation for Social Policy Research Grant, 2011

Yana Kucheva, Phi Beta Kappa Alumni in Southern California Scholarship, 2011

Tara McKay, Martin Levine Dissertation Award, ASA Sexualities Section, 2011

Anthony Ocampo, Chancellor’s Post-Doctoral Fellowship, UCSD, 2011

Anthony Ocampo, Distinguished Scholar Award, ASA International Migration Section, 2011

Anthony Ocampo, Honorable Mention, ASA Racial & Ethnic Minorities Section, 2011

Anthony Ocampo, Distinguished Student Scholarship Award, ASA International Migration Section, 2011

Anthony Ocampo, Cristina Maria Riegos Student Paper Award, ASA Latino/a Sociology Section, 2011

Chinyere Osuji, James E Blackwell Graduate Student Paper Award, ASA Racial & Ethnic Minorities Section, 2011

Zeynep Ozgen, Fulbright IIE Graduate Fellowship for International Study, 2011

Zeynep Ozgen, Wenner-Gren Foundation Dissertation Fieldwork Grant, 2011

Caitlin Patler, UCLA Center for the Study of Women, Paula Stone Legal Research Fellowship, 2011

Marisa Gerstein Pineau, Notre Dame, Science of Generosity project, Dissertation Fellowship, 2011

Forrest Stuart, Haynes Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship, 2011

Gary Yeritsian, UCLA Institute for Research on Labour and Emploment (IRLE), Thought and Action Award, 2011

Anita Yuan, Veteran’s Affairs HSR&D Center of Excellence, Associated Health Postdoctoral Fellowship 2011


Anthony Alvarez, Haynes Foundation Dissertation Fellowship, 2010

Amada Armenta, NSF Dissertation Research Award for Law and Social Science, 2010

Amada Armenta, UCSD Comparative Center for Immigration Studies Dissertation Fellowship, 2010

Marie Berry, Dissertation Proposal Development Fellowship, SSRC, 2010

Gustav Brown, Lemelson Fellowship for Indonesian Studies, 2010

Gustav Brown, Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship, 2010

M. Antonio Guzman, Kawahara Fellowship from the Terasaki Center for Japanese Studies, 2010

Jaeeun Kim, Mellon/ACS Dissertation Completion Fellowship, 2010

Jaeeun Kim, Law and Social Inquiry Graduate Student Paper Prize, 2010

Jaeeun Kim, UCLA Dissertation Year Fellowship, 2010

Rahim Kurwa, UCLA Institute for Research on Labour and Emploment (IRLE) Thought and Action Award, 2010

Sarah Morando, CSW Paula Stone Research Fellowship focusing on women and the law, 2010

Anthony Ocampo, Haynes Foundation Dissertation Fellowship, 2010

Anthony Ocampo, UCLA Institute of American Cultures Predoctoral Fellowship, 2010

Chinyere Osuji, Poster Award Winner, Annual Population Association of America Conference, 2010

Chinyere Osuji, UCLA Institute of American Cultures Predoctoral Fellowship, 2010

Zeynep Ozgen, Council for European Studies, Pre-Dissertation Research Fellowship, 2010

Rocio Rosales, Haynes Foundation Dissertation Fellowship, 2010

Elena Shih, Dissertation Proposal Development Fellowship, SSRC, 2010

Elena Shih, UC Pacific Rim Advanced Graduate Research Fellowship, 2010

Juli Simon Thomas, Advanced Quantitative Methods in Education Research Fellowship, 2010

Thomas Soehl, Dissertation Proposal Development Fellowship, SSRC, 2010

Thomas Soehl, Advanced Quantitative Methods in Education Research Fellowship, 2010

Forrest Stuart, Charles E. and Susan K. Young Award, UCLA College of Letters and Science, 2010

Forrest Stuart, ASA Minority Fellowship, 2010

Forrest Stuart, UCLA Distinguished Teaching Assistant Award, 2010

Anita Yuan, UCLA Institute for Research on Labor and Employment Graduate Student Mini-Grant, 2010


Amada Armenta, NSF Dissertation Improvement Grant for Law and Social Science, 2009

Sarah Morando, UCLA Institute for Research on Labor and Employment (IRLE) Graduate Student Mini-Grant (2009 – 2010)

Caitlin Patler, National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship, 2009-2014

Caitlin Patler, Ford Foundation Pre-Doctoral Diversity Fellowship, 2009-2014

Forrest Stuart, Peter Kollock Memorial Teaching Award, UCLA Department of Sociology, 2009

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