Nanum Jeon

Nanum Jeon

Ph.D. Candidate

Office: Haines 228


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Nanum Jeon is a Ph.D. Candidate in Sociology and an M.S. Student in Statistics and Data Science at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). She is forging an academic path at the intersection of sociology, statistics, and data science, affiliated with the Social Inequality Data Science Lab (SIDS-Lab) and the California Center for Population Research. She is advised by Jennie E. Brand and Mark S. Handcock. Before coming to UCLA, she worked in public policy think tanks, including the Asian Development Bank Institute in Tokyo, Japan.


  • Ph.D., Sociology, UCLA, 2019 – Present
  • M.S., Statistics, UCLA, 2021 – Present
  • M.A., Public Policy, University of Tokyo, 2017
  • B.A., Sociology and Society & Justice (Scranton Honors Program), Ewha Womans University, 2015

Fields of Study

Social Stratification and Inequality, Social Demography, Disruptive Events, Gender and Family Attitudes, Statistics and Quantitative Methodology


Her research applies and develops statistical, demographic, and machine learning methods to investigate social stratification & inequality, and social demography. To advance social theory, she analyzes the time-varying causal effects of disruptive life events on subsequent socioeconomic outcomes. Her research aims to uncover the social processes driving both inter-group and intra-group stratification and inequality across the life course. Her work has been published in Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, Journal of Marriage and Family, and Social Science Research.

Awards & Grants

  • UCLA Dissertation Year Award ($20,000), 2024 – 2025
  • Donald J. Treiman Research Fellowship ($6,000), 2023
  • Kawahara Fellowship for pre-dissertation research ($8,000), 2021
  • Kwanjung Educational Fellowship ($120,000), 2019 – 2024
  • Japan Student Services Organization Scholarship ($6,000), 2015 – 2017
  • Mirae Asset Scholarship ($5,000), 2012


Jennie Brand (Sociology and Statistics & Data Science) & Mark Handcock (Statistics & Data Science)