Undergraduate Research

The Student Research Program (SRP) offers students the opportunity to do research and work on an individual basis with participating faculty. Students may join the SRP program during the first two weeks of every quarter by attending the orientation sessions offered through the College of Letters and Science, Undergraduate Research Center. Information about SRP and orientation sessions may be obtained from their office in A-334 Murphy Hall, (310)825-2935. Each year’s SRP resource book lists the participating faculty, their areas of research, and any prerequisites they may require. Students are asked to commit at least one full quarter, and volunteer approximately 8 to 10 hours per week. The student’s transcript is notated to reflect the student’s participation. This program offers the kind of faculty contacts and research experience that are especially valuable for those who may wish to go on to graduate school.

For further information please visit: http://sciences.ugresearch.ucla.edu/courses/srp/