Barbara Ballis Lal

Barbara Ballis Lal

Professor Emeritus


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Ph. D., University of California, Berkeley


Symbolic interactionism and the Chicago School of American sociology, comparative study of race and ethnic relations, social policy, political sociology.


“Why the Fuss? The Real and the Symbolic Significance of Trans-racial and Inter-country Adoptions” in Morgan, P. Adoption: The Continuing Debate, London: Institute of Economic Affairs. 1999.

“Ethnic Identity Entrepreneurs: Their Role in Transracial and Intercountry Adoptions,” Special Issue: Migration, Ethnic Relations and Identity Construction, Asian and Pacific Migration Journal, 1997.

“Symbolic Interaction Theories” in Special Issue: Theories of Ethnicity, American Behavioral Scientist, January 1995.

The Romance of Culture in an Urban Civilization: Robert E. Park on Race and Ethnic Relations in Cities, Routledge, 1990.