Natasha Quadlin

Natasha Quadlin

Associate Professor

Office: 299 Haines Hall


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Natasha Quadlin is an Associate Professor in the Department of Sociology at UCLA. She also is a faculty fellow in the California Center for Population Research.

Professor Quadlin’s research focuses on social inequality in the contemporary United States. She is especially interested in topics such as the social and economic dynamics of gender inequality; inequality in access and returns to higher education; and debt and the economics of higher education. Her research has appeared in the American Sociological Review, American Journal of Sociology, Social Forces, Sociology of Education, Social Psychology Quarterly, Journal of Marriage and Family, and other outlets.

Professor Quadlin’s first book, WHO SHOULD PAY? Higher Education, Responsibility, and the Public, co-authored with Brian Powell of Indiana University, examines Americans’ views regarding how parents, students, and government should contribute to the funding of college.

Professor Quadlin is an associate editor for the AAAS journal Science Advances. She also is an associate PI for Time-Sharing Experiments for the Social Sciences (TESS), an initiative that enables researchers to field experiments using high-quality population-based samples. She is an elected council member of the American Sociological Association (ASA) Sections on Inequality, Poverty, and Mobility and Mathematical Sociology.

Professor Quadlin has received numerous honors for her research, including the Doris Entwisle Early Career Award from the ASA Section on Sociology of Education; the Devah Pager Outstanding Article Award from the ASA Section on Inequality, Poverty, and Mobility; the Distinguished Article Award from the ASA Section on Sociology of Sex and Gender; the James Coleman Award for Best Article from the ASA Section on Sociology of Education; and the Lupia-Mutz Outstanding Publication Award from Time-Sharing Experiments for the Social Sciences. She is a former visiting scholar at the Russell Sage Foundation in New York City (2022-23 cohort) and is a recipient of the William T. Grant Foundation Scholars Award (2024-29 cohort).

Professor Quadlin was born in Los Angeles but grew up in Indiana. She received a Ph.D. in sociology, M.S. in applied statistics, and M.A. in sociology, all from Indiana University, and B.S. in social policy from Northwestern University.


Ph.D., Sociology, Indiana University, 2017

M.S., Applied Statistics, Indiana University, 2014

M.A., Sociology, Indiana University, 2013

B.S., Social Policy, Northwestern University, 2009



Quadlin, Natasha and Brian Powell. 2022. Who Should Pay? Higher Education, Responsibility, and the Public. New York: Russell Sage Foundation. (Link)

Selected Articles

Doan, Long, Natasha Quadlin, and Katharine Khanna. 2024. “Using Experiments to Study Families and Intimate Relationships.” Journal of Marriage and Family 86(5):1251–71. (Link)

Quadlin, Natasha, Tom VanHeuvelen, and Caitlin Ahearn. 2023. “Higher Education and High-Wage Gender Inequality.” Social Science Research 112:102873. (Link)

Quadlin, Natasha, Nanum Jeon, Long Doan, and Brian Powell. 2022. “Untangling Perceptions of Atypical Parents.” Journal of Marriage and Family 84(4):1175–95. (Link)

Conwell, Jordan A. and Natasha Quadlin. 2022. “Race, Gender, Higher Education, and Socioeconomic Attainment: Evidence from Baby Boomers at Mid-Life.” Social Forces 100(3):990–1024. (Link)

Roscigno, Vincent J., Jill E. Yavorsky, and Natasha Quadlin. 2021. “Gendered Dignity at Work.” American Journal of Sociology 127(2):562–620. (Link)

Quadlin, Natasha and Jordan A. Conwell. 2021. “Race, Gender, and Parental College Savings: Assessing Economic and Academic Factors.” Sociology of Education 94(1):20–42. (Link)

Quadlin, Natasha. 2020. “From Major Preferences to Major Choices: Gender and Logics of Major Choice.” Sociology of Education 93(2):91–109. (Link)

Quadlin, Natasha. 2019. “Sibling Achievement, Sibling Gender, and Beliefs about Parental Investment: Evidence from a National Survey Experiment.” Social Forces 97(4):1603–30. (Link)

Quadlin, Natasha. 2018. “The Mark of a Woman’s Record: Gender and Academic Performance in Hiring.” American Sociological Review 83(2):331–60. (Link)

Quadlin, Natasha. 2017. “Funding Sources, Family Income, and Fields of Study in College.” Social Forces 96(1):91–120. (Link)

Awards & Grants

William T. Grant Foundation Scholars Award, 2024-29

Visiting Scholar, Russell Sage Foundation, 2022-23

Doris Entwisle Early Career Award, ASA Section on Sociology of Education, 2021

Lupia-Mutz Outstanding Publication Award, Time-Sharing Experiments for the Social Sciences (TESS), 2021

Devah Pager Outstanding Article Award, ASA Section on Inequality, Poverty, and Mobility, 2019

Distinguished Article Award, ASA Section on Sociology of Sex and Gender, 2019

James Coleman Award for Best Article, ASA Section on Sociology of Education, 2019

Karl F. Schuessler Award for Graduate Research, Indiana University Department of Sociology, 2016

National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellow


Jordan Conwell, University of Texas at Austin

Long Doan, University of Maryland

Christina Ciocca Eller, Harvard University

Brian Powell, Indiana University

Vinnie Roscigno, Ohio State University

Tom VanHeuvelen, University of Minnesota

Jill Yavorsky, University of North Carolina-Charlotte