Summer Lopez Colorado

Summer Lopez Colorado

Graduate Student


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Summer Lopez Colorado is a doctoral candidate, educator, and artist studying in the Department of Sociology at UCLA. Their work centers analyses of gendered racialization for women of color in the U.S., focusing both on the reproduction of overlapping forms of structural domination and strategies of resistance using a mixture of quantitative and qualitative approaches. Summer’s dissertation project utilizes critical qualitative journey mapping and in-depth interviewing to research Latina mobility strategies, relationships, and community involvement after their college graduations. Their work examining disability and sex workers’ experiences with the carceral system is to be featured in the book Sex Work Today from NYU Press (forthcoming November 2024). 


  • B.A. Sociology, cum laude, Cornell University (2018)
  • M.A. Sociology, University of California, Los Angeles (2020)

Fields of Study

Race, gender, and class; Latina/x sociology; Education; Inequality/Mobility; Disability in Society; Legal Violence

Awards & Grants

  • National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship, 2018-2021
  • Graduate Summer Research Mentorship Program (UCLA), 2019
  • Eugene V. Cota-Robles Fellowship (UCLA), 2018-2024
  • Graduate Dean’s Scholar Award (UCLA), 2018-2021
  • American Sociological Association Honors Program, 2017
  • Ronald E. McNair Scholar (Cornell University), 2016-2018


  • Vilma Ortiz
  • Cecilia Menjívar
  • Natasha Quadlin
  • Jasmine Hill