Lor Martin

Lor Martin

Graduate Student

Office: Haines A81

Email: lor@ucla.edu

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Lor Martin is a 2nd year PhD Student at UCLA Sociology. Their research looks at language and interaction at mealtimes using conversation analytic methods. Lor holds a B.A. in Linguistics and Anthropology from UCLA Linguistics, and is a proud transfer student from Los Angeles Community College District.

On campus, Lor has served as the co-head chair of the Center for Language, Interaction, and Culture Graduate Student Association (CLIC-GSA), Sociology Graduate Student Association (SGSA) vice president, volunteer student coordinator for the Conversation Analysis Working Group (CAWG), and works as a Teaching Associate in UCLA Sociology (UAW Local 4811). In between deadlines, Lor enjoys picnics and house parties with their partner and close friends.


BA Linguistics and Anthropology, University of California Los Angeles, 2022


Food Talk, Taste, Assessments, Affective Stance


Uh oh! It looks like Lor hasn’t published anything yet. They’re working on it – check back again later.  😊

Awards & Grants

Conference Presentations

“Love at first bite? The occasioning and deployment of food assessments at the dinner table”

Presented for Language, Interaction, and Social Organization (LISO), University of California Santa Barbara

February 23, 2024

“Food benefactors & beneficiaries: Accountability and constraints of mealtime assessments”

Presented at The 26th Annual Conference on Language, Interaction, and Social Organization LISO Conference, University of California Santa Barbara

May 19th-20th, 2023