Andrew Chalfoun

Andrew Chalfoun

Graduate Student

Office: A58F Haines Hall


Curriculum Vitae

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I study organizations, social movements, religion, and social interaction with a focus on the micro-dynamics of organizational life. My dissertation investigates how executives respond to the demands of social movements. Drawing on archival material and qualitative interviews, I engage in close analysis of the International Mission Board (IMB), the Southern Baptist Convention’s main agency for international evangelism and church planting. I trace how IMB leaders adapted to pressure from conservative activists and outline the long-term impact of this pressure on the organization’s structure. Beyond my dissertation, I am interested in the systematic underpinnings of social interaction and use conversation analysis to explore how people manage intersubjectivity, morality, and joint solidarity on a moment-by-moment basis.


  • MA in Sociology, UCLA, 2020.
  • BA in Sociology, Haverford College, 2018.


Andrew Chalfoun. OnlineFirst. “Shifting Responsibility onto Coparticipants: Disaffiliative Accounts in Request Sequences.” Discourse Studies.

Andrew Chalfoun, Giovanni Rossi, and Tanya Stivers. OnlineFirst. “The Magic Word? Face-Work and the Functions of ‘Please’ in Everyday Requests.” Social Psychology Quarterly.

Tanya Stivers, Andrew Chalfoun, and Giovanni Rossi. 2024. “To Err is Human but to Persist is Diabolical: Toward a Theory of Interactional Policing.” Frontiers in Sociology 9.

Andrew Chalfoun. 2023. “When God Calls: Temporality in Southern Baptist Calls to Missions.” Review of Religious Research 65(2):213-235.

Andrew Chalfoun. 2023. “Biblical Authority in Interaction: How Do Evangelicals Use the Bible?” Journal of Pragmatics 208:19-32.

Tanya Stivers, Giovanni Rossi, and Andrew Chalfoun. 2023. “Ambiguities in Action Ascription.” Social Forces 101(3):1552-1579,


  • Stefan Timmermans (chair)
  • Omar Lizardo
  • Edward Walker