Wei-hsin Yu

Wei-hsin Yu

Professor & Vice Chair

Office: 257 Haines Hall

Email: whyu@soc.ucla.edu

Phone: 310-825-3743

Curriculum Vitae

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Wei-hsin Yu is a sociologist and social demographer specializing in the areas of social stratification and gender inequality. Her research focuses on how macrolevel forces influence individuals, paying special attention to their labor market outcomes, family behaviors, and health and wellbeing. She has published two books and numerous articles in peer-reviewed journals, including American Sociological Review, American Journal of Sociology, Social Forces, and Demography. Her current project examines how different working conditions are linked to wage inequality and family dynamics in the United States. She is also conducting research on gender attitudes and the formation of romantic unions in East Asia (e.g., Japan, Taiwan).


Selected recent publications:

Yu, Wei-hsin and Hope Xu Yan. Forthcoming. “Effects of Siblings on Cognitive and Sociobehavioral Development: Ongoing Debates and New Theoretical Insights.” American Sociological Review 88(6):1002-1030

Yu, Wei-hsin and Janet C. Kuo. 2022. “Time is Money? Wage Premiums and Penalties for Time-related Occupational Demands.” American Journal of Sociology 128 (3):820-865.

Yu, Wei-hsin and Hope Xu Yan. 2022. “Maternal Age, Early Childhood Temperament, and Youth Outcomes.” Demography 59 (6): 2215-2246

Yu, Wei-hsin and Yuko Hara. 2022. “Stability and Relevance of Marriage Desires: Importance of Age Norms and Partnering Opportunities.Journal of Marriage and Family.

Zheng, Hui and Wei-hsin Yu. 2022. “Diminished Advantage or Persistent Protection? A New Approach to Assess Immigrants’ Mortality Advantages Over Time.” Demography 59 (5):1655-1687.

Villarreal, Andrés and Wei-hsin Yu. 2022. “Research Note: Gender Differences in Employment during the COVID-19 Epidemic.” Demography 59(1):13-26.

Yu, Wei-hsin and Yuko Hara. 2021. “Motherhood Penalties and Fatherhood Premiums: Effects of Parenthood on Earnings Growth within and across Firms.” Demography 58(1):242-272.

Lei, Lei and Wei-hsin Yu. 2021. “Individual Characteristics, Community Contexts, and Stratification Beliefs among Youth in China.” Social Forces 100:738-764.

Yu, Wei-hsin and Janet C. Kuo. 2018. “Does Parenthood Foster Traditionalism? Childrearing and Alterations in Gender and Family Attitudes in Japan,” Social Forces 97:221-250.

Yu, Wei-hsin and Janet C. Kuo. 2017. “The Motherhood Wage Penalty by Work Conditions: How Do Occupational Characteristics Hinder or Empower Mothers?” American Sociological Review: 82:744-769.

Yu, Wei-hsin and Janet C. Kuo. 2016. “Explaining the Effect of Parent-Child Coresidence on Marriage Formation: The Case of Japan,” Demography 53(5):1283-1318.